Heritage in Danger

Under Threat: Louis Kahn’s IIM Dormitories, India
Louis Kahn's dormitories at the Indian Institute of Management in Ahmedabad (IIMA) are currently under threat of demolition. The school announced in mid-December back in 2020 that it plans to demolish 14 out of 18 of the dormitories on campus. The announcement came as...

Under Threat: Rainha D. Leonor Building, Macau
The Rainha Dona Leonor Housing Block at Praia Grande is currently under threat of demolition. Urgent action is required to preserve and protect this outstanding example of modern heritage in Macau. The building stands as magnificent sample of the Macau XX century...

News from Docomomo International: Demolition Threat of Union Church, Hong Kong
Demolition Threat: Union Church – Sanctuary & Bell Tower by Leigh and Orange, Hong Kong, 1949-1956 Docomomo International wishes to draw your attention for the threatened future that Union Church in Hong Kong is facing. "The Union Church is located at No. 22A...

Under Threat: State Theatre in Hong Kong (updated)
Architects: G.W. Grey, S.F. Liu, Hong Kong, 1952 The State Theatre (known as Empire Theatre until 1959) was opened in 1952. This significant example of Post-War Modern Movement architecture had been assessed by Docomomo International as a structure worth preserving...

Under Threat: Hong Kong’s General Post Office
Architect: K.M. Tseng, Hong Kong, 1976 Hong Kong´s General Post Office is now under threat of demolition. The site is planned to be redeveloped into a new commercial building under the new government plan. This monumental building, designed by a local architect, was...