Development of Modern Architecture in Hong Kong.


Author: Edward Leung. 作者:梁以華

Date: June 2013. 日期:2013年6月

Case Study 1: Jardine House in Central


Building / Site: Jardine House (original name: Connaught Building)

建築 /地點:怡和大廈 (原名:康樂大廈)

Theme: Mobility and Efficiency


Location: Connaught Place, north of Connaught Road


Ownership: Hongkong Land


Original Architect: P&T Architects.


Recent year remodeling Architect: Aedas Ltd.


Year of Construction: 1970.



After the reclamation in 1890, the Praya was renamed Connaught Road to commemorate the visit by Prince Connaught in 1894. The land north of it was reclaimed under Governor Grantham in 1950s. Hongkong Land acquired this lot at Connaught Place at a public auction in June 1970 at record breaking price of 258 M (Fung, “A Century of Real Estate Development”, 2001, Joint Publishing (HK) Co Ltd, p118). The Connaught Building so erected, at 52 storeys, was the tallest building in Hong Kong at that time. Separated from the rest of the other Hongkong Land properties by the wide and busy Connaught Road, it was connected to the Swire House across the Road via a long span footbridge, which later further connects to the Exchange Square development in 1984. As Hongkong Land sold one of her prime building Jardine Building at the corner of Pedder Street in late 1970s, the Connaught Building was renamed Jardine House, signifying that this building was worthy of the name of Hongkong Land’s parent company, Jardine. The bronze plaque in the current lobby of Jardine House was such historic testimony carried from the old building.


在1890年填海之後,海濱改為干諾道以紀念干諾親王在1894年之到訪。其北的地則是港督葛量洪1950年代填成。置地公司在1970年6月的拍賣會上破紀錄的2億5800萬投得這片干諾廣場的地段 (馮邦彥,《香港地產業百年》,三聯書店(香港) 有限公司,118頁)。由此而建的52層的康樂大廈成為其時香港最高的建築。因為它與置地公司其他物業被又闊又繁的干諾道相隔,遂以長跨度之行人天橋將它與馬路對面之太古大廈,再繼而在1984年延駁至交易廣場,它亦在此時改名為怡和大廈。而當置地公司在1970年代末出售了她其中一座核心物業,位於畢打街角的怡和大厦時,就把康樂大廈改名為怡和大厦,代表此大厦有資格使用置地之母公司 – 怡和的名字。現在怡和大厦大堂的銅牌正是由舊厦移至此紀錄這段歷史的証據。


The Introduction of the Modern Skyscraper:

While most commercial buildings in 1960s were still designed as compact mid-rise building, this rare virgin reclaimed land in 1970 offered a great opportunity for the arrival of the modern office skyscraper. The new island site enables the introduction of the larger four-sided open floor plates of the then fashionable American tower. The trend set by American cities in 1920s indicated that, “for larger sites that could support towers of adequate dimensions, the optimal arrangement was a full perimeter of offices encircling a central core” (Wills, Carol, “Form Follow Finance”, 1995, Princeton Architectural Press, p83). Connaught Building was the first time that pioneering central core plans, as first seen in Chysler Building (1928, William Van Ellen) and Empire State Building (1930, Shreve, Lamb and Harman) are transported from New York to Hong Kong.

This building utilized many latest technological and design improvements from North America, also made the skyscraper more feasible, like “exploitation of the potential of … elevator to build tall, (and)… of services as electric lighting and air conditioning to make these new buildings comfortable and attractive to work in” (Duffy, Francis, “The New Office”, 1997, Coran Octopus Ltd, p19). New layout using zoned-lifts and central core improved efficiency and permissible floor depth, and thus shift the commercial scene away from traditional long corridor rooms into open plan offices ever since.

Due to the height, the central core structure alone could not achieve the sheer resistance alone and had to utilize the perimeter structure. But in lieu of traditional bulky columns along the windows, a perforated perimeter structural wall was devised. The result was efficient column free office space. “It achieved breakthrough in terms of both structure and utilities”. (David Lung, “Hong Kong Architecture Old and New”, Joint Publishing (HK) Ltd, 1992, p178).

The design introduced many pioneering fire safety concepts like relief floor and staircase pressurization in 1974, which opened the eyes of both developers and administrations to newest methods of addressing fire safety for buildings unreachable by conventional fire engine ladders at that time, even preceding the introduction of refuse floor concept in the Code of Practice of Means of Escape in 1986.

Thus when the building was required to upgrade the Fire Safety provisions in 2004, these concepts were re-analyzed from first principle. Instead of blindly following the current code, the authorized person explained to the authorities the philosophies of the original fire safety provisions as compared with current code standards. It was demonstrated that various design features like window openings on the relief floor, separation of machine rooms, diverted staircase configurations, and fan assisted staircase pressurization, were indeed early versions of the then pioneering international fire safety designs for skyscrapers that later matured into the current codes. In the end, the authorities acknowledge a suitable upgrade would have achieved the safety standard. This exercise demonstrates that an understanding and appreciation of the history can support engineering and functional designs as well.




在1920年代美國城市的潮流是,「在可容納足夠尺度的塔樓的較大地盤上,最高效率的是以寫字樓面完全包圍中央核心筒柱」(Wills, Carol, “Form Follow Finance”, 1995, Princeton Architectural Press, p83)。康樂大廈將這種初時在佳士拿大廈 (1928, William Van Ellen) 和帝國大廈 (1930, Shreve, Lamb and Harman) 所使用的創新中央核心筒柱佈局從紐約移植來香港。

這座建築利用了許多當時北美最新的科技及設計改進,使摩天大廈更為可行,例如「充份利用… 升降機可達高層…的潛能,(和)電燈及冷氣使這類新建築成為舒適和吸引的工作環境」(Duffy, Francis, “The New Office”, 1997, Coran Octopus Ltd, p19)。避難層和樓梯加壓的全新概念,使發展商及管治者大開眼界,認識應付消防車雲梯不能到達的建築的最新防火方法。分階升降機和中央核心筒柱的佈局改進了效率和可用樓面深度,轉移了商業觀點,從此由傳統長走廊房間改變為開放式寫字樓。

由於高度問題,單靠核心筒不足以承受剪力,因而要利用周邊結講。棄用傳統沿窗笨重實柱,却改用穿洞圍邊結講牆,達至無柱高效率的寫字樓樓面,康樂大廈「在結講、設傳等客方面都有新的突破」(龍炳頤,香港古今建築,三聯書局(香港) 有限公司,1992年,178頁)。



The Unique Modern Exterior Configuration:

The exterior configuration of Connaught Building celebrated the purity of the simple rectangular tower form on top of giant legs. The tower is lifted above a transparent double-storey foyer, which opens onto and also integrates seamlessly with an adjacent public open plaza. This form is not dissimilar to the contemporary Citicorp Center of New York (1977, Stubbins). This unique form is only achievable by the deletion of the conventional podium block built up to the streets, which poses seemingly insurmountable design problems like final escape doorways, water meters, fire services inlets, and car-park entrances, which need to lead from tower directly to the streets. The architecture cleverly lifted the surrounding open plaza by half a level, whereby these necessary utility accesses submerge to below, without affecting the pure form of the tower-legs, and maintaining the total transparency of the ground floor foyer.

The rectangular form was echoed by the regular circular windows, similar to the contemporary Capsule Building of Tokyo (1972, Kurokawa). The footbridge ingeniously penetrates from the side, through the double height glazed gateway, as if floating in air, thus not distracts the pure tower and leg form.


康樂大廈的外觀造型讚頌著在巨大支腳之上的、簡單方形的塔樓的純樸感,塔樓升在一個透明雙層大堂之上,大堂面向而無縫地連接著旁邊的公共開放廣場,其型態與當時紐約花旗銀行大厦 (史塔斯,1977) 不無相似。這獨特的型態要靠取消建至街邊的傳統裙樓才可做到,帶來看似不能解決的難題,如走火門、水錶位、消防入水,和車場入口等必須由街邊直接引到大樓等設施。這建築聰明地將周圍的開放廣場提升半層,讓這些設施入口沈到地下,而不影響塔樓支腳的純樸感,和地面大堂的通透性。

它以規律性圓窗嚮應方正外型,類似當代東京的膠囊大廈 (三川紀章,1972)。行人天橋巧妙地從側插入雙層玻璃大堂,尤如在半空飄浮,而不分散塔樓和支腳的純正型態的注意。

Role of Dedicated Public Space:

The extensive open plaza of Connaught Building was a pioneering urban design feature which utilized the Hong Kong regulatory mechanism of “dedicated footpath”. The Clause 22 of the Building (Planning) Regulations of 1962, originally attached together with the introduction of the plot ratio control introduced to Hong Kong at that time, was drafted with reference to the 1916 New York Zoning Regulations, which granted bonus floor area to developments which sets back to dedicate widened footpaths to the public (Barnett, Jonathan, “An Introduction to Urban Design”, Harper and Row (NY), 1982). Hongkong Land expanded this mechanism into dedicating the entire plaza for public use, thus obtaining maximum permissible bonus gross floor area. The footbridges built by the developer was also committed to be used by public through a license with the government, seen as a pioneering mutually beneficial move at that time.

In total, the building dedicated a Plaza of 3,158sm to the public, in exchange for 14,771sm bonus floor area, thus achieving a 20% gain in total GFA of the building to a total of 88,626sm.


康樂大廈廣闊的露天廣場是個利用了香港條例機制裏「撥出行人通道」的都市設計創舉。在1962年香港參考了1916年紐約分區規例而將容積率控制引進香港建築物(規劃)條例,同時附帶的第22條裏面,跟據紐約的經驗,將額外樓面面積賞予肯後退而把擴闊的行人道撥出予公眾的發展 (Barnett, Jonathan, “An Introduction to Urban Design”, Harper and Row (NY), 1982)。置地公司將這機制擴展至將整片廣場撥出予公眾使用,從而獲得最大的建築樓面面績獎賞。發展商所建的行人天橋,亦因政府發牌而承諾給公眾使用,其時被視為雙贏方案。


Sustainable Seawater Cooling System:

Hongkong Land buildings pioneered the use of seawater for air cooling of commercial spaces in Hong Kong, and the combined spaces of the Hongkong Land portfolio easily indicates the significant extent that this system contributes to the overall sustainable consumption of natural resources in this city. This system relies on the underside of the footbridges to feed seawater to all the buildings in Central. As the system gets progressively upgraded, feeding new gigantic pipes into Jardine House leads to possible disruption of the tower pure form by such new pipes. The alternative vertical penetration onto the plaza surface would also imply conflict to the dedication obligation.

The architect engaged in a lengthy negotiation with the authorities since 2005, and studied various design options with respect of both architecture and engineering requirements.

Eventually, the design to feed the pipes from under the footbridge, in a discrete position just above an existing elevated pool deck, was adopted. This design respects the architecture of Jardine House, avoids disruption to public enjoyment, fulfills the statutory limitations of dedication of public space, and achieves the sustainable, environmental objective.




Public Art and Public Landscape:

The concept of public art and public hard landscape were introduced. The Henry Moore masterpiece in the Plaza, follows the tradition of MOMA (1953, Johnson), where hard straight lines of modern architecture is contrasted with the soft free forms of modern public sculptures. Plain horizontal reflection pools with blades of falling water that echoes the pure vertical rectilinear building form, recalls the idea in Seagram (1954, Mies).

As since 2012, Hongkong Land moves onto study of the long term future of the Jardine House, in anticipated major redevelopments of the adjacent new reclaimed harbourfront land and re-development of the old post office site, inviting the opportunity of re-celebrating of the north plaza as the future main approach. After modest improvement of the pool, lighting, pavings, and relocation of the Henry Moore sculpture, to better suit the pleasure of users and public, Hongkong Land engages her architect to study possible re-configuration of the

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reflection pools. The architect pays due respect for the planar form of the reflection pools and the soft free forms of modernist public sculptures are essential elements that build up the drama of the Jardine House tower pure rectangular form architecture, and the role of Feng Shui of running water landscape feature for this premise.

In anticipation of major landscaped open spaces on the extended Statues Square towards the harbour, both the architect and the developer are keen to create a new iconic entrance on the north east corner of the Jardine House plaza that may integrate with the pool feature. In recognition of the dynamic architecture indicated in the future Central Harbourfront Urban Design shown by the Planning Authority, the architect proposes to adopt a contemporary free-form architecture for the pool. The design would be a series of planar wave-form structures which double both as water features and functional canopies and entrances, that both express its contemporanity and well compliments the modernistic architectural form of this pride piece of architectural landmark.


這裏引入了公共藝術和公共園境硬件的概念。在廣場上亨利摩爾的作品,依從紐約現代藝術博物館的傳統 (1953,菲利普˙約翰遜),以現代公共雕塑的自由柔性造型對比現代建築的畢直硬性線條。橫面倒影水地及其平面人工瀑,嚮應建築的單純垂立形態,回應了西格拉姆大廈的概念 (1954,密斯˙凡德羅)。




Social Meaning:

People of Hong Kong still recognize the Connaught Building was once the tallest building in Hong Kong. Its timeless circular windows still appear unique and modern by today’s standard. The impact of this building on the architectural scene of Hong Kong is often underestimated. Indeed, its introduction of modern skyscraper concepts, in terms of fire safety, efficient planning, open working spaces, and dedicated thoroughfares, from North America to Hong Kong in 1970s, shift the commercial architectural scene of Hong Kong ever since.

The owner has been utilizing the unique architecture to host popular charity events, like the famous “Rat Race” and “Walk-up Jardine House”. Recent year renovation of the Plaza by the developer added pool lights, fountain features and barrier-free access, enabling the continued use by the public.

With the future possible re-development of the post office site and connecting to the new reclaimed land to the north, the Connaught Place is anticipated to integrate with the overall public spaces extended to the harbour front.






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