Architecture We Love to Hate
15 Controversial Modernist Buildings in Hong Kong
Why are certain buildings being deemed ugly and worthless by some people but treasured by others? What are the bases for forming these different opinions? How do judgements made by professionals and the general public affect the perceived value of our built landscapes and their fate in ongoing urban development? This public engagement project will explore these questions by examining 15 controversial modernist buildings in Hong Kong. Some key questions to consider include: What are the competing meanings and values that have been inscribed in these buildings over time? How have our perspectives been shaped by the changing urban context and emerging trends of architecture and urban design in the past and present?
為何有些香港現代建築令人又愛又恨?有人鄙其醜陋不值一哂;有人卻視如瑰寶。這些意見是基於什麼基準?專業人士與公眾的評價如何影響建築環境的價值以及其在未來城市發展中的命運? 這項公眾參與活動將透過審視15座具爭議性的香港現代主義建築,探討這一系列問題。其中關鍵的問題包括:這些建築的意義與價值如何隨著時間而轉變?過去與現在的不同城市環景和建築與城市設計潮流如何塑造我們的觀點?
Event Details and Building List\
All activities are free and open to the general public. Registration is required for each event.

Photography Workshop
September 28, 2019
Session 1 (in Cantonese): 08:45-11:15
Starting location: Tang Lung Chau Market (Jardine’s Bazaar entrance)
Session 2 (in English): 10:45-13:15
Starting location: General Post Office, Central (entrance facing Jardine House)
Workshop Leader: Bertha Wang, A City Made by People Hong Kong Chapter
Note: Selected works of participants will be showcased in the Public Forum & Lecture on October 12.
Tang Lung Chau Market, Causeway Bay
General Post Office, Central
Public Forum & Lecture
October 12, 2019
Time: 14:00-17:00
Location: H6 Conet, G/F, The Center, 99 Queen’s Road Central
Cecilia Chu
Division of Landscape Architecture, University of Hong Kong; Docomomo HK
Christopher Dewolf
Zolima CityMag
Charles Lai
Department of Architecture, University of Hong Kong; Docomomo HK
Edward Leung
Heritage and Conservation Committee, Hong Kong Institute of Architects; Docomomo HK
Kevin Mak
OMA; I km studio; @streetsignhk
Wendy Ng
Revival Heritage Consultants Limited; HKICON; Docomomo HK
Tiago Robecho
Docomomo Macau
H6 Conet, G/F, The Center, 99 Queen’s Road Central
Walking Tour & Lecture: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly?
October 19, 2019
Session 1 (in Cantonese): 10:00-12:30
Starting location: Quarry Bay MTR Station Exit A
Session 2 (in English): 13:30-16:00
Starting location: General Post Office, Central (entrance facing Jardine House)
Tour Leader: Charles Lai, Docomomo HK
Quarry Bay MTR Station Exit A, Quarry Bay
General Post Office, Central
Event Details and Building List\
All activities are free and open to the general public. Registration is required for each event.

Docomomo Hong Kong 國際現代建築文獻組織香港分會 is the local chapter of the International Committee for Documentation and Conservation of Buildings, Sites and Neighborhoods of the Modern Movement. It was established in 2012 by a group of interested community members in Hong Kong. The organization is committed to enhancing public knowledge about modern architecture and urbanism while promoting the protection of notable examples of modern architecture and built landscapes in Hong Kong.
Hong Kong Institute of Architectural Conservationists (HKICON) 香港建築文物保護師學會 is a professional body for architectural conservation practitioners. It was established in 2010 to address the growing need for the protection and conservation of built heritage in Hong Kong.
Supporting Organizations
Docomomo Macau was approved as a member chapter of Docomomo International in 2012 and officially established in Macau in 2013 to pursue and implement the objectives of the Eindhoven statement on behalf of Docomomo and in the interest of the communities in Macau.
A City Made by People Hong Kong Chapter is part of an international network of 20+ cities and local communities of citizens. Through engaging content (online + print) and local programming (speaker events + activities), the organization carries the mission to enable citizens to create a more livable city.
Funded by
Built Heritage Conservation Fund (BHCF) was established in 2016 by the HKSAR Government to provide subsidies for public education, community involvement, publicly activities, and academic research. Under the BHCF Funding Scheme for Public Engagement Projects on Built Heritage Conservation, HKICON’s project proposal titled “Our Neighbourhoods (Heritage of Our Days)” was approved in March 2018.